Labour Market and Social Protection Custer Coordinator

Ph.D. Senior Researcher.Senior researcher at the National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection in Bucharest, she holds a PhD in economics since 2011 and she has participated (2014-2015) in a postdoctoral research program in economics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Her postdoctoral research deals with the evaluation of the pro-poor effects arising from the tax-benefit system, using complex simulation techniques applied on microdata. Prior to this, she has attended post-graduate studies in quantitative economics and has graduated the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She an extensive expertise in quantitative analysis and econometric modelling. Her main research interests are income, poverty and social exclusion, income inequalities, labour market participation, forecasting of labour demand, labour market transitions, and public policy evaluation. During 18 years of academic research activity, she has coordinated 10 research projects and participated as a team member in over 40 projects.