2020 Come soon
- Poster Exibition “Personalități în an centenat – știință, educație și administație publică / Personalities in the centenary year – science, education and public administration”, 29 November – 3 December 2019 Professor Adriana GRIGORESCU and PhD Razvan Ion Chitescu, SNSPA-FAP (poster)
- The 4th SSBRN Symposium “Discussing Social & Business Issues from Interdisciplinary Studies”, 5-6 September 2019, Keynote speakers Dr Bruno S Sergi University of Messina, Italy and Professor Adriana Grigorescu SNSPA, conducted by SSBRN & Co-hosted by SNSPA (poster, program)
- Study visit students from Purdue University Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, USA, Supervised by Associate Professor Myeong Huang KIM and Heather TIERNEY Assistant Professor, 2-10 March 2019, Bucharest SNSPA-FAP
- Workshop “Sistemul Administraiei Publice – Experiențele unui demnitar/ Public Administration System – Experience of a dignitary” , Special Guest Associate Professor Adrian Tutuianu, 27 March 2018, SNSPA-FAP (poster)
- Workshop “Creativity”, Special Guest Sabina Calu, 13 December 2018, moderators Professor Adriana GRIGORESCU and PhD Razvan Ion Chitescu, SNSPA-FAP (poster)
- Workshop ”Perspectives and Boundaries of Economic Development Romania-China”, Special Guest Professor CHI WEI SU, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Event hosts Professor Ion GHIZDEANU, CNP President and Professor Adriana GRIGORESCU, SNSPA, 18 April 2017, Bucharest (poster)
- Workshop “Present and Future in Chinese Economy”, Special Guests Professor CHI WEI SU, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Academician Liviu-Lucian ALBU, Director Institute for Economic Forecasting and Professor Adriana GRIGORESCU, Director General SNSPA – Global Economy and Governance – IRP, 19 April 2017, Bucharest (poster)
- Workshop China and Romania Economic Bubbles or Emergent Economy, Guest speaker Professor CHI WEI SU, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Moderators Professor Adriana GRIGORESCU and Professor Constantin Bratianu, SNSPA, 26 April 2017, Bucharest (poster)
- The 18th Annual Conference and Research Symposium International Academy of Global Business and Trade (IAGBT), August 7-8, 2017, Bucharest, Theme: “Convergent and Divergent Paths in Global Business and Trade”, International Academy of Global Business and Trade Korean International Trade Research Institute, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) (call for papers, program)
- ExcelentFEM, Seminarul Informativ/Informative Seminar ”Excelența femeilor în cercetarea științifică și managementul de proiect EXCELENTFEM/ Women´s Excellence in Scientific Research and Project Management EXCELENTFEM”, 10 mai 2017, Bucharest, , SNSPA-GEG, University of Iceland – UNU-GEST, Academy of Romanian Scientists, INCSMPS (agenda)
- ExcelentFEM, Workshop Colaborativ/Collaborative Workshop, Direcții de cercetare de excelență și accesul femeilor la programe Proiect EXCELENTFEM / Lines of research excellence and women’s access to programs EXCELENTFEM Project, 11 mai 2017, Bucharest, SNSPA-GEG, University of Iceland – UNU-GEST, Academy of Romanian Scientists, INCSMPS (agenda)
- Conference with International Participation „Policies for the Vulnerable – Measures and Solutions in Romania and The EU / Politici pentru Categoriile Vulnerabile – Măsuri și Soluţii din Practica Românească și Europeană”, 17 November 2016, Bucharest, INCSMPS & SNSPA/GEG-IRP (program)
- International Workshop „Socio – Economic Education and Research”, 19 July 2016, Târgoviște, Keynote Speakers: Yiming HE, Ph.D. Professor; Jing GUO, Ph.D. Lecturer; Yan LIU, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Ocean University of China, organized by Valahia University from Târgoviște, Academy of Romanian Scientists Branch Târgovișteand SNSPA-GEG-IRP (poster)
- “NEXTWORK European Projects”, Theme of the year is : “Let’s cooperate for a new European reinassance”, Bucharest, 15 – 16 May 2015, University of Economic Studies, SNSPA, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian-American University, Association PartNET – Partnership for Sustainable Development, Associazione Valore Infinito – Italy (brochure)
- Round table “European and Regional Convergence, Inovation in Labour Public Services” keynote speaker Francesco Pastore, PhD Professor, Seconda Universita di Napoli, Italy, Bucharest, 27-28 Mai 2014, SNSPA, IPE, INCSMPS (poster)
- Round table “Insertion of Academic Education Graduates Criteria of Educational Performance” 17 April 2014, Bucharest, Institute for Economic Forecasting, SNSPA , Fundatione G. Brodolini, INCSMPS, Romanian-American University (poster)
- International Workshop “Global Economy; Asia-Europe”, Guest Speakers Tsangyao Chang, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, Lucian Liviu Albu, Academician, 24-25 April 2014 Targoviste/Bucharest, Valahia University from Targoviste, Institute for Economic Forecasting, SNSPA (poster)
- International Seminar “Global Applied Econometric Analysis” Bucharest, 28-29 April 2014, SNSPA, Institute for Economic Forecasting (poster)
- Brainstorming Workshop “Law & Public Administration Transnational Education”, Keynote speakerManos Maganaris, Professor, PhD, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK, Bucharest, 10 July 2013, SNSPA-FAP(poster)
- International Workshop “Current perspective on labour market on national and European context”, Guest Speakers: Manos MAGANARIS, Professor, Ph.D., Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK, Francesco PASTORE, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy, Evencio Luis SOUTO RODRIGUEZ, Expert, Spain, Bucharest 12 October 2012, SNSPA-FAP(poster)
- Round table “Education and Labour Market Actual Challenges”, Guest Speakers: Manos MAGANARIS, Professor, Ph.D., Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK, Francesco PASTORE, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy, Evencio Luis SOUTO RODRIGUEZ, Expert, Spain, 13 October 2012, Targoviste, Valahia University from Targoviste(poster)