General Manager

Ph.D. Professor
Professor at NUPSPA since 2003; Correspondent Member Academy of Romanian Scientists Department IX of Economic, Legal and Sociological Sciences; Habilitate in Management, and Ph.D. Supervisor at Valahia University from Targoviste Doctoral School; Member of National Council for Attestation of University Titles, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU); Evaluator of The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS); President HoRA Association, Editor in Chief of HOLISTICA Journal of Business and Public Administration. Bachelor in Chemistry-Physics and Commerce-Marketing, master of Modern Governance and European Integration and Ph.D. in Accounting with the thesis: Financial Analysis on Market Strategy for Foreign Trade Companies is teaching courses of Project Management for Public Sector Investment, Public Marketing, Marketing Strategies for Public Affairs, Management of Organizational Development Through Programs, Business Opportunities and Sustainable Development. Research fields of interest: Management of public and business organization, marketing of public and business affairs, comparative analysis and diagnosis, forecasting and integrated systemic studies, knowledge transfer from business to public.